天猫618苹果全品类产品成交飙涨 或助产业链公司估值攀升 ...:18 小时前 · 2021-06-18 09:36:13 和讯名家 要闻精选 17日召开的国务院常务会议要求,通过引导贷款利率和债券利率下行等一系列政策,推动金融系统全年向各类企业 ...
Bring the past into the present through archaeology inside and outside classrooms! Find resources for archaeologists and educators to teach and outreach.
天貓、京東網店被要求自查3年補稅:2021-6-13 · 大陸網路商家反應,在5月收到當地稅務部門通過電子稅務局發送的「風險自查提示」, 提醒他們存在少記營業收入風險,要求企業自查近三年以來存在的漏報問題並補繳稅款以及 滯納金。 澎湃新聞報導,具體來說是指在天貓、京東等電商平台開設網店的企業,其向稅務部門申報 的銷售收入與電商 ...
The 2021 SAA Nominating Committee invites the names of candidates for the January 2021 election ballot. Deadline for nominations is July 31, 2020.
SAA is aware of the president's statement today announcing the administration's intent to publish dramatic changes to the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.
American Antiquity’s journal Impact Factor trended up in 2019 while Latin American Antiquity maintained its solid standing.